CHUTER v1.6.3

Controles / Controls

Game Jam Plus 23/24 Finalists / Finalistas de la Game Jam Plus 23/24



Rethink the Classics

La contradicción entre la naturaleza del hombre de desear la libertad y su tendencia a aceptar o buscar jerarquías o autoridades. El desenlace entre el reino civilizado y los bárbaros demuestra que los sistemas jerárquicos funcionan cuando se trabaja en aras de la libertad.


En un reino lejano, Hermes, hijo de un campesino, desafió las expectativas al convertirse en guardia real. Su amabilidad e inteligencia le granjearon el cariño de la princesa Danaí, lo que dio lugar a un romance clandestino. El descubrimiento de su amor por parte del rey resultó en la condenación y ejecución injusta de Hermes. El rey Sacro expresó su desprecio por los campesinos. "Sangre sucia... Bárbaros". La fe de la gente en él se destruyó al ver su crueldad desenmascarada. Surgió una rebelión. Guiado por el amado padre de Hermes y el apoyo de la princesa Danaí dentro del castillo, el pueblo descubrió el final jugando Chuter. La historia del Reino Civilizado contra los Bárbaros se mantendrá viva gracias a las personas que siempre esperan luchar por la Justicia y la Libertad.

Síguenos / Follow Us

Equipo Actual

Alvaro Racchumi
Líder de Ingeniería, Ingeniero de Integración, Programador UI
Director General, Productor, Game Designer
Directora de Narrativa, Marketer

Ilustradora de Personajes
Programador General
German Lopez
Diseñador de Sonido, Compositor de Efectos de Sonido

Dáigoro Ventura
Diseñador de Sonido, Compositor Musical


Diseñador digital
Diseñadora de Logo
Artista de Tiles y Diseñadora del Logo de Filo Games

Regina García
Ilustradora de Personajes

Maria Paula
Ilustradora de Personajes

kei higa
Lider Artista 2D, Artista 2D Principal

César Mendoza
Game Designer, Programador

Programador de Mecánicas

Eduardo Montero
Programador General


Renzo Vargas
Mary Mory




Rethink the Classics

The contradiction between man's nature of desiring freedom and his tendency to accept or seek hierarchies or authorities. The outcome between the civilized kingdom and the barbarians demonstrates that hierarchical systems work when working for freedom.


In a distant kingdom, Hermes, the son of a peasant, defied expectations by becoming a royal guard. His kindness and intelligence endeared him to Princess Danaí, which gave rise to a clandestine romance. The king's discovery of his love resulted in the condemnation and unjust execution of Hermes. King Sacro expressed his contempt for the peasants. "Mudbloods...Barbarians." People's faith in him was destroyed by seeing his unmasked cruelty. A rebellion arose. Guided by Hermes' beloved father and the support of Princess Danai within the castle, the people discovered the ending by playing Chuter. The story of the Civilized Kingdom against the Barbarians will be kept alive by the people who always hope to fight for Justice and Freedom.

Current Team

Alvaro Racchumi

Engineering Director, Integration Engineer, UI Engineer


General Director, Productor, Game Designer


Narrative Director, Marketer

Character illustrator


Sound Designer, Sound Effects Composer

German Lopez

Tiles Artist and Logo Designer at Filo Games
Dáigoro Ventura

Sound Designer, Musician composer



Engineering Director, Integration Engineer, UI Engineer


General Director, Productor, Game Designer

Regina García

Narrative Director, Marketer
Maria Paula

Character illustrator

kei higa

Sound Designer, Sound Effects Composer

César Mendoza

Tiles Artist and Logo Designer at Filo Games

Sound Designer, Musician composer

Eduardo Montero

Sound Designer, Musician composer


Sound Designer, Musician composer

Special Thanks

Renzo Vargas
Mary Mory

Videogame Chuter © 2023 by Luis Fernando Mercado Paredes is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International 


ChuterGameV1.602.rar 36 MB

Install instructions




3. Ubicar dónde descargar. 

4. Extraer ficheros.

5. Ingresar a la Carpeta extraída.

6. Ejecutar Chuter.exe, si hay problemas ejecutar como administrador o dar los permisos necesarios que Windows solicite.


  1. Click download.
  2. Download the .zip file.
  3. Locate the downloaded file in your file explorer.
  4. Right click on the file.
  5. Unzip file here.
  6. Enter the unzipped folder.
  7. Run Chuter.exe file.
  8. If you have problems running the file, right click on it and run as administrator or grant the necessary permissions requested by Windows.

Development log